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Construction of East Anglia THREE’s converter station resumes at Bramford

The converter station is where the green electricity generated offshore will join the National Grid to power homes, businesses and public buildings. It is being built next to the existing East Anglia ONE and National Grid substations at the end of Bullen Lane.

Contractors return to site this month to continue building the station. Next steps include creating foundations for the buildings and equipment, drainage and troughing and ducting to carry cables and electrical wiring across the site.

The platform where the converter station will be built is complete, and a landscaping bund to be planted with trees and plants to screen the site in line with our Landscape Management Plan has been built using excavated material.

A SUDS (sustainable urban drainage) pond and water drainage system to mitigate flooding risks and take water from site into the local drainage network in a controlled way have been completed.

Temporary infrastructure for construction workforce and site accesses for deliveries of construction materials, laydown area and car parking for the workforce have also been created.

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